Diving Bell. and the Memory of the April 2014.

Image inspired by the documentary film, Diving Bell.



the Memory of the April 2014
세월호 참사를 기억함.

Memory of 4.3. Massacre, Jeju.

사건의 발단이 된 1947년 부터 전쟁이 끝나고, 한라산 금족지역(禁足地域)이 개방될 때까지, 약 7년 7개월간 최소 3만 여명의 학살피해를 남김.
2003년, '제주4.3특별법'에 의한 조사결과, 확인한 사망자만 14,032명에 달한다.
(경찰,진압군,서북청년단등 반공단체의 학살 10,955명,무장대의 학살 1,764명 외)

An incident at March 1974 outbroke this horrible massacre. For 7years and 7monthes, Even After the Korean war, the massacre on civilians led by government forces and insurgents have continued until the curfew at Mt.Halla have lifted by Korean authorities.the victims are estimated at least 30,000. 
2003, An official report alone, backed by special law to disclose the truth of this massacre,  confirmed 14,032 deaths. (109,555 were killed by police, military and anti-communist cults, 1,764 were killed by insurgents. and more)